Women's Track Taster Supported by Condor

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Cycling Track


Our Women's Track Taster cover all the basics of track cycling; so whether you've been riding for years, are a little bit rusty or just keen to try out some fixed-wheel fun, by the end of the session you'll know the basic principles required to join a whole host of skills sessions at Herne Hill Velodrome. 

  • You must complete a taster before riding any other session at HHV
  • This induction lasts 1.5 hours. Free bike/helmet hire included.
  • Lycra is not required, although we recommend that you don't wear anything too baggy - layers are recommended, as well as a warm jacket for after. Remember to bring water and a snack.
  • Gloves and helmets must be worn
  • Please arrive 15 minutes before the session start time to complete the sign on process, to ensure that the session can start promptly
  • Please note that it is not possible for latecomers to join in.

If you'd like to purchase some cycling kit from the Friends of Herne Hill Velodrome, check out our online shop - you can order items online and choose click and collect, to pick up on the day of your taster. Please note that it takes up to a week to process these orders so please order at least a week in advance.

These sessions can be booked with an HHV Adult Track Taster voucher: if you'd like to find out about our taster vouchers please click here.

You will receive an email ahead of your Taster session, outlining everything you need to know. If you have any questions before then, please email info@hernehillvelodrome.com.

Women's Track Taster Supported by Condor no-group

  • 02/08/2024, 15:30 - 16:30

    Womens Track Taster Supported by Condor

  • 04/08/2024, 15:30 - 17:00

    Womens Track Taster Supported by Condor

  • 02/09/2024, 15:30 - 16:30

    Womens Track Taster Supported by Condor




We’ve a limited amount of free parking available on site but we encourage you to travel here by cycle or public transport where you can. The nearest train stations are Herne Hill and North Dulwich, which are both around a 10-15 minute walk to the Velodrome.
